The down of the Bavaria Limited Edition comes from geese that are reard in one of the most beautiful and most natural landscapes of Germany.

Finest quality from the natural gem bavaria
The down of the Bavaria Limited Edition comes from geese that are reard in one of the most beautiful and most natural landscapes of Germany.
The traditional way of breeding geese is an important part of many bavarian farms. That is why the down for the Bavaria Limited Edition of KAUFFMANN is available only in limited quantities.

100 % goose down
Down is a particularly high-quality natural material, which requires a lot of sensitivity during processing.

Bramscher Tuch
“Bramscher Tuch“ is the sum of high-quality raw materials, fine yarns and exclusive fabric finishing.

From Bavaria
One oft he most beautiful and natural landscapes in Germany is the home of the geese, whose down is used fort he Bavaria collection.

Bavaria Duvets
Fine maco batiste 318 thread count finest German fabric with double seam border and super soft finish wrapped with 100% down from Bavaria with 700 CUIN.
- Fine maco batiste 318 thread count finest German fabric, 100% cotton
- white, new goose down, class 1 100% down, Origin: Bavaria
- Warmth category: light/medium/warm/extra warm

Bavaria Pillow
70% highest quality feathers and 30% soft down support gently and give the head the necessary hold. A pillow with excellent lying properties.
- fine maco twill, 100 % cotton
- White, new goose down and feathers, class 1 30% down, 70% feathers, Origin: Bavaria
- Level of support: medium